Underachievement Unlocked

19 juil. 2008

Not sure what I think of that Dr. Horrible thing.

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fielin, il y a 6 ans :

Well all I could think while watching it was 'It feels like the Buffy Music Hall episode'... And I finally understood why when I saw the credits.

I like it. Not love, but like.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Yeah, his style is totally recognizable, but here's the problem: The Buffy musical was about characters we cared about, and it was a turning point in several aspects of the season's story arc; whereas Dr. Horrible introduces ridiculous characters and doesn't even pretend to have a story to tell. And in that configuration Whedon's songs aren't strong enough to hold the thing together.

I think he should at least have stuck to the videoblog aspect from beginning to end; at least there was something that could be funny (and the actor's delivery was pretty good for that intro).

fielin, il y a 6 ans :

I agree with most of your points except... i found the blog part of the video boring.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Yeah, I can't quite remember whether it was funny or just promising, and I'm definitely not watching it again to make sure :)

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