Underachievement Unlocked

7 déc. 2009

Dexter 4.11 &#8212 ; How often is the fourth season of a serial its best ever?

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Frozen to the Touch, il y a 5 ans :

You're delirious... The Wire is the only example that comes to mind.

garoo, il y a 5 ans :

What? John Lithgow is the best antagonist Dexter's had.
The Wire doesn't count, it's a greatamericannovel, not a TV show.

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 5 ans :

Maybe so (and I think Lithgow's acting has a lot to do with it) but I don't think that makes it the best season so far... Although I don't find any one season particularly stellar. The show leaves me cold yet asking for more. It's depressing, really. (But it's kinda funny that you started this season on a meh note).

garoo, il y a 5 ans :

I don't know, maybe it's a lot thanks to Lithgow. But I also like everything about the reporter. And the sexy son :) It's still the one-psycho-a-year repetition, but... yeah, maybe I'm just getting used to it.
I think the fact that I was "meh" about the beginning of the season is part of why I enjoy it in the end — because that construction mirrors the story and the development of Lithgow's character. And it also mirrors Dexter getting better at this family thing. I think I like the way all the characters are evolving, too.

Speaking of: cute interview of Julie Benz about her evolution:

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