Underachievement Unlocked

22 avr. 2009

It keeps bugging me. Is it 100% incorrect to pronounce the ‘h’ in ‘hour’, or is it equivalent to pronouncing the ‘h’ in when?

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Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

There are only four h words, in the English language, whose h is not pronounced and they are: Honest, heir, hour and honor. However, native speakers often make the mistake to vocalise it.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

The weird thing is that I don't remember ever being actually taught that list.
And I think I would, seeing as how I still remember the times I learnt how to pronounce "aren't" (yeah, I spent a whole day on that one because I couldn't wrap my head around how the spelling gave birth to the pronunciation, but in my defense it was pretty early on) and "overwhelm."

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

By the way, the reason for that sudden, existential interrogation was that I'm pretty sure I heard Nathan Fillion pronounce the 'h' in "three hours" in last week's Castle. Since I found out about the possibility of "hwen" and "hwere" from the Gilmore Girls grandmother, I figured it might be an option too.

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