Underachievement Unlocked

1 mar. 2017


3D-Printed Solar Systems, Moons and Planets for Your Desktop []

3D-Printed Solar Systems, Moons and Planets for Your Desktop

The folks over at London-based Little Planet Factory make tiny 3d-printed planets and moons you can sit on your desktop or hold in your hands. Designs include everything from entire solar systems to collections of moons, individual planets, and even science fiction creations like a theoretical terra


3D-Printed Solar Systems, Moons and Planets for Your Desktop

3D-Printed Solar Systems, Moons and Planets for Your Desktop

The folks over at London-based Little Planet Factory make tiny 3d-printed planets and moons you can sit on your desktop or hold in your hands. Designs include everything from entire solar systems to collections of moons, individual planets, and even science fiction creations like a theoretical terra

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