Underachievement Unlocked

21 déc. 2016


A handy piece of LEGO building []

A handy piece of LEGO building - The Brothers Brick

This sinister LEGO creation by timofey_tkachev is simply titled “Arms”, but I’m going to read it as an artistic commentary piece on how we’re all up to our elbows in blood and oil because we use ABS-based building bricks. Regardless of the motivation behind it, this is a cracking bit of LEGO building and a […]


A handy piece of LEGO building

A handy piece of LEGO building - The Brothers Brick

This sinister LEGO creation by timofey_tkachev is simply titled “Arms”, but I’m going to read it as an artistic commentary piece on how we’re all up to our elbows in blood and oil because we use ABS-based building bricks. Regardless of the motivation behind it, this is a cracking bit of LEGO building and a […]

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