Underachievement Unlocked

18 sept. 2019


The white raven that was thought to be a legend but inhabits a coastal segment of British Columbia, Canada. These ravens are not albino, but leucistic, or lacking any of several different types of pigment (not simply melanin) |

Common raven - Wikipedia

Photographer Uncovers The White Ravens Of Legend In West Coast Forest

Throughout human history, the raven has been a powerful symbol and a popular subject of mythology and folklore. One of the largest corvids, the raven is known for their jet black appearance and their unusual caw, and their high intelligence. The birds also have a long lifespan and can live up to 21 years in the wild. They mate for life and are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.As a subject of myths and legends, ravens are often depicted as extremely clever and resourceful animals. One legend talks of how ravens were once white and helped humans (and the earth) get

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