Underachievement Unlocked

7 nov. 2014

“Serial: Sarah Koening On the Addictive New Podcast from This American Life”

But before starting to work on next year’s story, which she has not chosen yet, Koenig hopes to find some answers about this one. She wants to find out whether justice was served — and whether Lee’s killer is behind bars or still out there. “I am hopeful that I will figure it out one way or the other,” says Koenig. “I may have to give that up along the way, but today, I’m hopeful.”

Isn’t that at odds with what they said at the launch of the podcast? I had the definite impression that they — or that Ira Glass, when he promoted it in American Life — implied they knew where they were going. Is she lying to build suspense, or did they actually launch into a twelve-week serial report without knowing where it would end up? That seems like it would be a terrible idea.

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