Underachievement Unlocked

24 fév. 2011

“The Day the Movies Died”

This article has been everywhere already, but I was thinking about it again today and wanted to quote this paragraph, which may be the most important point:

For the studios, a good new idea has become just too scary a road to travel. Inception, they will tell you, is an exceptional movie. And movies that need to be exceptional to succeed are bad business. “The scab you’re picking at is called execution,” says legendary producer Scott Rudin (The Social Network, True Grit). “Studios are hardwired not to bet on execution, and the terrible thing is, they’re right. Because in terms of execution, most movies disappoint.”

It really explains a lot, in one single sentence, about the movie industry. And the sad thing is, it’s true that they’re right. As a business, they can’t afford to bet on execution.

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