Underachievement Unlocked

28 oct. 2010

“How to Tell if You Make a Good Victim”

[P]sychologists have long known that the more psychopathic a person is, the more easily they can identify potential victims. Indeed, they can do so just by watching the way a person moves. In one study, test subjects watched videos of twelve individuals walking, shot from behind, and rated how easily they could be mugged. As it happened, some of the people in the videotapes really had been mugged — and the most psychopathic of the subjects were able to tell which was which.

That’s simultaneously fascinating, obvious, and creepy.

Never forget that we’re more in touch with our nature than we think; in this case, it all comes back to the predator’s instinct of finding, through mostly subconscious cues, the right victim that won’t turn a simple attack into a bothersome fight.

(Shit, I just realize that I can’t quite remember if you must make yourself tall in front of a bear and play dead when attacked by a cougar, or the other way around. This could be vital information, I need to google it again. […] Ah, turns out it’s an urban legend — with bears — and you should in fact huff and puff in either case.)

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