Underachievement Unlocked

4 juin 2010

“Video of a man exposed to total vacuum”

Remember the boiling tongue water story from yesterday’s post about how long a human can last in the vacuum of space? (Nevermind that, I blogged about exposure to vacuum here a few months back.) Here’s the video of that depressurization event, with the participants taking about it.

Don’t go there looking for a high-speed close-up of the guy’s saliva boiling — they weren’t expecting a failure, and just documented the experiment from afar. But the testimony, simple as it is, is fascinating.

There shouldn’t ever be a debate again as to whether such-or-such character could survive a brief exposure to vacuum while jumping from ship to ship with no suit on. (But you’re still allowed to debate the risk of irradiation, and the possibility of staying conscious for more than a second.)

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