Underachievement Unlocked

10 déc. 2009

Wikipedia: Apostrophe

Many respected sources have required that practically all singular nouns, including those ending with a sibilant sound, have possessive forms with an extra s after the apostrophe. […] Such sources would demand possessive singulars like these: Senator Jones’s umbrella; Mephistopheles’s cat. On the other hand, some modern writers omit the extra s in all cases, and Chicago Manual of Style allows this as an “alternative practice”.

Huh. I thought writers who dropped the ‘s’ on singular proper nouns were illiterate.


Classical, biblical, and similar names ending in a sibilant, especially if they are polysyllabic, [often] do not take an added s in the possessive […] As a particular case, Jesus’  is very commonly written instead of Jesus’s – even by people who would otherwise add ’s in, for example, James’s or Chris’s. Jesus’  is referred to as “an accepted liturgical archaism” in Hart’s Rules.

What the fuck kind of rule is that?


I’ll stick with the ‘s,’ because dropping it randomly hurts my geeky sensibilities.

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Xarro, il y a 5 ans :

I'm not sure I get the commoner rule right. I'm not sure but I think I function with "if the S is a plural marker than just an apostrophe will do, otherwise it's S plus apostrophe". The former is pronunced /siz/ and the latter just /z/. Or it's the contrary. Hum... the contrary makes much more sense in fact.

Head hurts.

garoo, il y a 5 ans :

Well, everything you want to know about 's is behind that link :)

Xarro, il y a 5 ans :

I'll check it out after the morning coffee. And after the morning picking-up of the dog shit on the terrace. Those sorts of things.

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