Underachievement Unlocked

3 sept. 2009

“The whole Verdana is the new Futura Ikea thing”

There has been a flurry of wadded panties all over the net over the “decision” of Ikea to move from their modified version of Futura to Verdana as their brand typeface. Well, in thinking about it I’m calling shenanigans, this all smells very much like a viral campaign to get the aesthetically sensitive (designers and their ilk) a.k.a those who like to spend lots of money on pretty things, to get Ikea back on their brand radar.

On some level, that would be one of the coolest examples of commercial manipulation of the blogopshere, ever. But I doubt it’s true, because I don’t think “designers and their ilk” would really appreciate being made fun of that way.

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