Underachievement Unlocked

12 juil. 2009

Torchwood: Children of Earth  

That story was vaguely worth a two-parter, maybe a three- if you’re feeling indulgent; just because the last episode was gratuitously creepy and gross doesn’t make up for the uninteresting story — Torchwood has never, no-way, no-how, earned that kind of a resolution, not with this writing, directing, and acting. Torchwood is watchable when it’s campy and fun (though it’ll always trigger a migraine even then); but nobody on that show was ever hired to produce stuff that could take itself seriously. (Well, except for Barrowman, I guess, but then he went and tripped into a Barbie doll’s mold.)

The only interesting thing in there was the reveal of what the aliens really were about. So that’s all of ten good seconds, which could have been written better.

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