Underachievement Unlocked

9 mai 2009

Dollhouse 1.12  

The Whiskey twist was very cool, but the rest, and the way the whole situation unfolded, was really lame. (Hello, off-site backups? Seriously?) Can’t see how Ballard’s arc is coherent with anything but, hey, whatever, it’s not like I care.


Guess the whole problem with the show was summarized by the fact that the captive princess can be downloaded into any actress at any time — and that, when it happens, she’s that bland, naive student in whom we don’t have any interest.

Now that the white knight has begun to sell his soul, there aren’t many characters to care about in this show (and he was never that likable to begin with). Maybe DeWitt and Whiskey, I guess, but neither of them runs the show.


Doesn’t it undermine the moral of the story just a tiny bit that the main reason why Alpha went rogue was that he was a budding serial killer to begin with?


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