Underachievement Unlocked

2 mai 2009

Dollhouse 1.11  

I’d say it shows when Jane Espenson is signing the script. And the episode was, thankfully, rather light on Dushku unperformances.

Alan Tudyk is great. Why didn’t they hire him for Topher’s part?!


Well, now we know why.

I never thought Tudyk could match the shots of Alpha’s back we’d seen earlier; but even after he showed he did have the muscles, and despite the persistent rumors that is was him, I still didn’t have more than a tiny growing doubt before he revealed himself — I like to be delusional that way when I’m watching something that’s well-written.

For everyone else, though, it sucks that there had been so much speculation that he’d be Alpha.


I’m not gonna say that episode justified the production of the seven hours of uneven, mostly boring story that preceded, but that just cool and interesting and I can’t wait to see the next episode.

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