Underachievement Unlocked

2 avr. 2009

Lost 5.11  

Oh, come on.


I don’t care how many times we’ve already been told that they can’t change the past (and how good Ben and Kate’s backstories end up being) — Sayid is a trained assassin, and no matter how emotional it might have been for him to kill a child, the last image we saw in the last episode was the kid falling straight to the ground with a bullet or two in his chest, and there is no way this is a satisfying cliffhanger resolution.


The “Huh. Hadn’t thought of that” was hilarious. But the answer provided to that conundrum was a bit weak, and would have worked better if the writers hadn’t brought attention to the fact that they needed to get themselves out of a pickle.

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pitulgi, il y a 6 ans :

I didn't quite understand the discussion between Miles and Hurley. If Miles argues that they can't remember their conversation, why would Ben remember Sayid shooting him? It's the same logic to me, so am I missing something?

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

2005 (or whichever year they crashed on the island, I can't remember) is their past, but young Ben's future. They're the ones who traveled back in time so, no, the same logic doesn't apply.

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

They can't remember their conversation because they're having it in their present (2005 via 1977) BUT the conversation already happened for the people whose present is 1977 (which isn't relevant since no one witnessed this conversation). Big Ben should remember that Sayid shot him when he was young but for a reason I don't understand the writers decided to go against that by having Richard saying that Ben wouldn't remember what happened if Kate and Sawyer let the kid to the Others' care.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

For a reason you don't understand?

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

Richard and Widmore remember so why can't he? Because he never told anyone?

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Because, as Hurley points out to Miles, it's hard to imagine what reason he would have had to pretend not to recognize Sayid three seasons ago?

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

The guy is a manipulator who doles out information only when he has to or when it serves his purpose. He had no reason to tell the losties he had met them in his past. And who does big Ben remember exactly since it has been hinted that he remembers Juliet?

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

I don't remember it being hinted that he remembered Juliet (evidently he wouldn't, since he now forgot everything about them).

Not recognizing the guy who almost killed you when you were twelve and sad and naive and wanted to defect to the Others, just as you're about to torture him, would be a little beyond "doling out information," wouldn't it?

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

In season 4, Harper, Goodwin's wife, tells Juliet that Ben is being nice to her because "she looks just like her".

Season 2 Ben telling Sayid about their little adventure in 1977 would have accomplished nothing but bemusing Sayid. If Ben wanted to avoid being tortured, he could have more plausibly revealed his identity as an Other.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

It's not about telling Sayid, it's that he couldn't possibly have hidden his reaction if he was faced with the guy who shot him thirty years earlier. He's a con artist, not a robot.

I don't remember any scenes shown between Juliet and Young Ben, so I'm not sure it has to mean anything. (But I don't really try to connect any dots while watching Lost, anyway, so who knows.)

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

At that point in the story, he had files on the losties. He could have very well seen a picture of Sayid before being "captured". He also had access to the station monitoring the Swan station. And in 3 years, you'd think that Juliet or Sawyer had some sort of interaction with Lil Ben, if only out of curiosity. I can only hope this is a ploy from the writers who want us to think that big Ben has no recollection of the losties.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Good point about the files.
But this is Lost we're talking about, I'm pretty sure if they say they've swept that under the rug to simplify the coherence of the timeline, they have :)

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