Underachievement Unlocked

21 mar. 2009

“Battlestar Galactica: Ronald D. Moore finale Q&A”

I think [the story] hangs together better than it has any right to. I do feel good that the process I always believed in and really defended – about feeling the story instinctively as you go through it, and not being tied to, “Oh, we know exactly how it’s going to end up” – that that was true. We were able to get there and could say, “We’ve been making this mosaic, and now we just need to put the final touches on it and we’ll have a complete picture.” There’s loose threads and things that don’t quite work, but I think that’s in the nature of almost any show. By and large, I think we did a pretty good job of it.


And a little more of the screening+conference, with a couple quotes from McDonnell and Olmos:


Not much revealed in those interviews, except for a few details that you’re probably better off not knowing yet can’t help but want to know (e.g., the why of Cavil’s last scene).

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