Underachievement Unlocked

14 fév. 2009

Battlestar Galactica 4.15  

Okay, first things first: worst cameo ever. I’d read a tweet about it this morning, and assumed the joke must mean something else, but it didn’t. What the hell were they thinking? I like him, obviously, but he just as obviously doesn’t belong as a quirky doctor in Battlestar Galactica — because a quirky doctor, or a quirky anything for that matter, doesn’t belong at this point of the story. First strike, sir. Fortunately, there’s hardly any way you could ever end up in such a loathsome situation again.

Now, to the meat of this episode: a nice pre-roll (with cool cameos of another kind), and I love the new her (which is totally unexpected), but other than that… I’m going to need to digest this a bit. How anti-climactic was that? Thank gods they didn’t save it for the end. And, yeah, I realize that’s why they didn’t save it for the finale; but what’s left, really? It’s not like we can be afraid the Cylons might catch up and wipe out the Fleet.


As always, I’ll wait for the messageboards to tell me if it makes any sense that Cavil knew — and was orchestrating — the whole Final Five thing all along.

But, really? It was all just a bunch of scientist friends who gave the gift of skinjobness to the Twelve Colonies’ Cylons? Was anyone excited by that?

And I hated Dean Stockwell’s acting throughout. Wonder how much better I would have liked the episode if the wayward son had somehow been a Six.



It looks like Television Without Pity enjoyed the episode more than I did:


So Brother John Cavil gives a fairly moving and convincing speech for why he’s so pissed off, and you finally get Cavil: he’s basically like Pinocchio going, “Really? Lederhosen? Fuckin’ forever?” Only instead of singing a little song about it and kicking Ellen in her shapely Gepetto shins, he knowingly and nastily:

Destroyed utterly the life and civilizations on twelve planets, burnt the knowledge of their creators out of his brothers and sisters, killed Daniel and boxed Three, wiped and boxed the Final Five just to make sure they ended up in the holocaust, had a day-long conversation with Chief about how he wasn’t a Cylon even though he totally was, tried his best to kill off the idea of God(s) Himself(s), plucked out his father’s eyeball, and fucked his own mother while she was in mortal mode on New Caprica. Moral of story? You Never Fuck With Pinocchio. Welcome to the last act of the last season of the very best TV show of all time, and here’s your Dramamine.


When you put it like that, it’s kinda cool. And I’m beginning to think that the writers might actually have planned the Keyser Söze part all along, maybe even before they separated the Final Five from the fray.

So I guess maybe I should just blame this episode’s writer for managing to kill the cool off of it.

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