Underachievement Unlocked

9 fév. 2009

Battlestar Galactica 4.14  

I still didn’t care for that storyline, but they managed to make it much cooler and more intense than I ever expected. And the episode’s ending was very strong.


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Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

I loved the darkness of it all but I think the wrap-up of that storyline was a cop-out; I mean, suddenly they all come to their senses? Puh-lease! On a more positive note, next week's episode looks heavy on the mythology: Anders remembers EVERYTHING and Ellen wakes up in a resurrection pod. Can't. Hardly. Wait.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Please do not comment on the previews for the next episode.

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Any repeat offense will be punished by termination of the lethal, violent and painful kinds.


garoo, il y a 6 ans :

As for being a cop-out... I'm biased because I don't care, but the bottomline is, this was a low-stakes storyline anyway, because there was no way any important character would get killed by humans — they have to be here for the Cylon finale.
But I'd say most of it is okay because those reversals aren't essential to the plot: the fact that some guy cries at the thought of Adama being executed doesn't change anything, it only adds emotion; the fact that some of the soldiers follow whichever is the more powerful figure makes sense (and everyone did have time to realize that this mutiny wasn't that much of a success, so their motivation was waning); Gaeta's gay lover remained firm in his refusal to cooperate with the Cylons; and Gaeta's not-quite-clear reversal doesn't really change anything to the outcome, it's just there to make you feel a bit sorry, or at least ambiguous, for the guy when he gets shot.

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