Underachievement Unlocked

24 nov. 2008

True Blood 1.12  

Well, that was that, then. I don’t know whether Alan Ball is bogged down by the weight of the original story (which, judging by Wikipedia’s short summary of the books, isn’t getting any better down the line, and is uncannily reminiscent of what I’ve read all this week about the Twilight series — i.e., supernatural Mary-Sue fanfics) or he’s just out of his depth, and nobody will ever know if another actress could have saved Sookie or she’s just written that way (still judging from the summary, it definitely looks like she was), but the upshot of it is that it doesn’t work, it’s not interesting, and I’m not particularly happy that I watched this show. Except for the naughty bits, obviously. And discovering Michael Raymond-James, my future husband.

It doesn’t look like there’s much of a chance of next season being cancelled and Ball getting back to doing what he knows best. Damnit.

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Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

The one thing I really loved about it is Nelsan Ellis; his acting was superb and it made for an enthralling character. Too bad he didn't have much screen time to speak of; and that he's apparently met his maker. Oh well.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Yeah, he was good and his character was underused, but I never personally enjoyed his screen time. I mean, even less than the others :)

By the way, I was rowing on my bike during the whole episode so I must have missed some lines; did anyone at all comment about the fact that he must have been missing for, like, two weeks? Or was that supposed to be an artificial surprise at the end?

Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

His missing was mentioned but quickly discarded; Tara said that he once went to some town for a couple of days and ended up go-go dancing for eight months or something. This kind of silly dismissing only happens in TV shows, really.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Well, it's not like anyone in the show would care about Lafayette if he disappeared. I mean, except for his clients.

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