Underachievement Unlocked

23 nov. 2008

The Mist  

That’s funny: I was perfectly sure it was an awful movie, mostly because I completely confused it with the remake of “The Fog”, and whenever I didn’t confuse it (by virtue of it not showing Ashton Kutcher Tom Welling on the trailers and posters) I reverted to my general prejudice against stories adapted from Stephen King.

But it’s not a horror story — well, it is a horror story, but about people, not monsters. So how could I not approve of such a formidably misanthropic movie?

The director revised the ending of the film to be darker than the novella’s ending, a change to which Stephen King was amicable.

Yeah, I’ll bet it’s darker than what King wrote. (Although I was surprised to find out that the preacher woman’s fate is the same in the book.)

Even if I need to sleep with the lights on for all of next week (I said it’s not about monsters, not that it doesn’t have those specific monsters and the accompanying scenes I don’t ever ever ever want to see — I’m gonna have to torch my hard drive to make sure they don’t come out of the deleted AVI file), and even though the… uh, twist ending is a bit too much, really (and that entire part is much better written than directed anyway), it’s all worth it.

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