Underachievement Unlocked

11 nov. 2008

The X-Files: I Want To Believe  

I really wonder what’s going through Chris Carter as he writes and directs this kind of useless crap. It can’t be just about the money — he’d give us aliens and flying saucers and conspiracy if he was just whoring it out, wouldn’t he? It looks like he’s clinging desperately to the idea that his creativity is worth something; like the story should be entitled “I want to believe I’m not a total hack and I can make a good movie.” I’m actually feeling oddly empathetic towards him right now, but that’s just because I didn’t have to pay to watch this crap, and wasn’t locked in a movie theater for two hours.

Incidentally, the movie misses the distinct X-Files look and feel; wonder if it’s a failure of the director of photography, or just because every single movie these days is shot the way X-Files episodes used to be.


Wait… did creepy Russian Cylon abduct young girls to stick his abused gay husband’s head on their bodies?

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