Underachievement Unlocked

28 mai 2008

Orson Scott Card, Xenocide  

As much as I complained about Simmons’ pretentious writing, going back to Card’s childishness was a little painful in the beginning. It didn’t help that at least a hundred of the novel’s pages are just reminders of what happened in the previous books. Or it’s about goddamn midichlorians.

Yet once again the second half of the story is great, and I’m quite happy I stuck through the first chapters. I’m stopping there, though; this book’s ending is final enough for my taste (even though it clearly leaves a door open for its sequels), and I’m getting just a bit weary of reading the same plot over and over in each book of the series — aliens are just misunderstood, whether they’re man-killing insectoids, man-killing swinoids or man-killing bacteriods, let’s live and let live, and can’t we all just get along?

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Daria, il y a 6 ans :

Ca, c'est la raison pour laquelle je ne suis jamais fan longtemps, y compris de romanciers. Tout le monde boucle sur les mêmes thèmes au bout d'un moment. L'être humain est fini dans son inspiration.

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