Underachievement Unlocked

29 mar. 2008

I Am Legend  

Now wait a minute. Why was I expecting this movie to be utter crap? Didn’t it have rather mediocre word-of-mouth? Well, turns out it’s just about as cool as you can make a movie about the last man on Earth and his dog, living the high life in New York, New York.

I spent the whole time waiting for the moment when the movie would turn into a brain-dead action fest, prepared to declare that you should just cut at the one-hour mark and forget anything that’s been shot beyond, but it never really happens. And, while the alternate ending, as described by Wikipedia, sounds a little too cheesy for me, I don’t really mind the… eh, deus ex-machina in a story like this one; I think it just makes sense.

It might have been a little more boring to watch in a theater (although the visuals must have been nice on a big screen), and my low expectations probably helped, but I am positive that there are lots of very cool scenes in the first half of the movie, and the second half is just bland (and short) enough not to spoil it.

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