Underachievement Unlocked

7 déc. 2007

The Simpsons Movie  

It’s hard to justify making a movie from a show that’s still going — a canceled show, like Futurama, can afford to release so-so episodes bundled together as a DVD, but when it comes to the Simpsons (which has to be the most popular comedy show currently on air, as low as it’s sunk) it’s much harder to provide something worth your time and money.

Oh my god her first word!

So let’s cut them some slack and say this long episode had the best jokes the Simpsons had in a decade. Which isn’t saying that much, but still. I wouldn’t be pissed if I’d been to a theater to see it, and it’s more than certainly worth buying the DVD. Even though there’s a definite lack of fresh ideas (and jokes, for that matter) in the second half of the show.

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