Underachievement Unlocked

25 nov. 2007

Battlestar Galactica: Razor  

Wasn’t that mostly filler?

It was kind of a losing proposition from the start: taking place more than a season before the latest episodes, there wasn’t much it could do to surprise us — we already knew what was going to happen, who wasn’t going to die, and that no new information could make it back to the fleet — but the movie almost went out of its way to bring nothing unexpected to the table. So those Pegasus episodes told us that Admiral Cain did this and that; well, let’s show her do just this and that… and nothing more. Apart from that inconsequential little background thing about her and you’ll-know-who-I-mean (and it feels like the writers could never quite decide whether they wanted to excuse her actions or not), there’s absolutely nothing I learned from that movie that hadn’t been told before. No way in hell that’s good storytelling.

And as far as announcing story threads relevant to season four… well, that vague omen was very, very clearly not worth watching the preceding 85 minutes.

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Cel, il y a 6 ans :

Oooh le joli layout avec l'étoile ! :)

(Oui mais mieux vaut tard que jamais)

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

Et mieux vaut hors sujet ? :pp

Cel, il y a 6 ans :

Je commente quand je vois, ok ? :P

Surtout que je peux pas commenter sur ce sujet, alors je fais c'que je veux.

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