Underachievement Unlocked

2 sept. 2007

Memoirs of a Geisha  

If they’re going to speak English, they might as well not speak with an accent. Or, if they really want to have local actresses, they could just dub them.

Vaguely interesting, mostly saved by Michelle Yeoh. Which may be because I’m a Westerner and she’s the most americanized of the cast.

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rhino75, il y a 6 ans :

I don't get your point here, I mean it's an American film, so of course they speak English. Someone made a similar "point" about the series "Rome" the other day, saying how strange it was that they all spoke English??!! Whatever. Anyway, last time I looked Michelle Yeoh was Chinese (as are Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and Tsai Chin) - THAT's what strikes me as really weird. There are hardly any Japanese people in it at all. I agree, though, with your summing up "vaguely interesting" covers it pretty well. I didn't expect to watch it through to the end, but I did, yet at the same time without any particular emotion.

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