Underachievement Unlocked

12 août 2007

Why I hate The Simpsons [via]

This was the era when the show Roseanne was going full-blast, and I loved it because we finally had a working-class comedy where the characters dealt with real-life problems (not being able to pay bills), weren’t the butt of the show’s jokes (instead, they made the jokes), and didn’t fit known stereotypes (one daughter, Darlene, was a comic book geek).

On The Simpsons, however, the characters are nothing but stereotype. They’re practically Pyncheonesque in their emptiness — not people, but objects who get driven through various pastiches in order to become the butt of the audience’s arch, ironic jokes. I didn’t give a shit about any of them. The only way I could enjoy these characters was to say, “Haha look at the funny dumb poor people who are so incredibly stupid that they actually work at nuclear power plants.”

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tocqueville, il y a 6 ans :

Hmmm - this dimwit seems to be upset that the Simpsons aren't respected as people --- hello?!? - they're cartoon characters, not people!

Why do you reprint this crap? this guy is obviously more motivated by trying to impress us with the big vocabulary of the thesaurus he had sitting on his lap while he wrote than trying to say anything about the Simpsons. Spare us, Cedric, spare us - it's ... (flip, flip, page, page ...) sophomoric!

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

I reprint because I haven't found the Simpsons funny for a decade but I've never been able to pinpoint why -- and his analysis is as good a reason as any not to like the Simpsons.

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