Underachievement Unlocked

15 juil. 2007

Afterlife 2.01–2.08  

They’ve got this habit of starting from an unpleasantly worn-out cliché and always concluding the story in a different place than you’d expect, which makes the show both annoying and worth watching.

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rhino75, il y a 6 ans :

hehe, I think that sums it up pretty well. The woman who plays the main character though (Lesley something?) is a pretty amazing actress though, in terms of the emotional response she elicits (or is that just me?). The prof, Andrew Lincoln, will forever be "Egg" from the U.K. series "This Life" (another annoying but eminently watchable series) and is hard to take seriously in any other role.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :

I agree that Lesley Sharp is very good, and she already was in Bob and Rose. I don't respond as well to Andrew Lincoln, however, even without the prejudice.

CitizenM, il y a 6 ans :

Ça n'a absolument rien à voir, mis à aprt la nationalité, mais je regarde Hotel Babylon en ce moment. Et je trouve ça très bon.

Du moins, quand je finis un épisode, j'ai envie de voir le suivant, ce qui est plutôt rare chez moi désormais.

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