Underachievement Unlocked

1 jan. 2005

« Biojewelry allows two persons to undergo a biopsy, in which each of them has a sample of their bone cells removed. The tissue is harvested in a lab, grown until a mass of bone has developed and used as a material for a ring. »

Ca doit être le cadeau le plus romantique et le plus glauque qu’on puisse offrir. Un peu comme arracher une vertèbre à son petit copain et la porter autour de son doigt.

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orpheus, il y a 7 ans :

je lucine !
je vais tout de suite inscrire cela sur ma prochaine kdo-list de noel...

Xarro, il y a 7 ans :

oui, c'est vrai que c'est bizarre. au début je me suis dit "super"... puis après je me suis imaginé la suite : si la personne décède, ça doit être très bizarre d'avoir un bout de ses os au doigt.

tobie, il y a 7 ans :

Thanks for linking!

There are 3 of us working on the project, a scientist and two designers. The aim of the project is to raise debate over the role of design, and to explore what should happen when technology and human desire intersect.

We are still looking for a couple who might be interested in taking part in the project. The bone sample is grown in a lab at Guy's Hospital in London over a period of weeks. It is grown upon a material which acts as a scaffold, and encourages cell growth. Then the donors bone is taken from the lab and used as a material to design with.

It is likely to be difficult to work with a couple outside of the UK. This is beacuse it it important for us to work closely with the couple, and to document the project with photos. The couple will of course be able to keep their rings after the project has finishes.

best wishes,

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