Underachievement Unlocked

7 nov. 2004

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4 more years!, il y a 7 ans :

As in every other presidential election for the past 200+ years, someone wins and someone loses - the Dems need to get over it and move on - they're starting to embarrass themselves with this type of immature whining.

garoo, il y a 7 ans :

Merde, pour une fois qu'un américain me lit en anglais, c'est un républicain.

Anyway, the "sore losers" argument is not only a misunderstanding of what really was at stake in this election, it's also just plain stupid: if both parties, both candidates were so similar that the "losers" had no understandable reason to be moping for a while, what kind of democracy would that be?!

Oh, wait, I forgot you don't know anything about democracy.

8 more years!, il y a 7 ans :

There is a difference between moping and condescension - attributing stupidity to everyone who voted against Kerry ignores the weaknesses of that candidate and will ensure a Republican victory again in 2008

garoo, il y a 7 ans :

I'm sorry -- voting against Kerry? As in "not for Bush, just against Kerry"? Gee, that would be even so much more stupid.

But there's just no conceivable way of looking at Bush voters without condescension. I mean, it's either that or hatred, and I'm not the hateful kind.

12 more years!, il y a 7 ans :

You're a fast study -- thought it would take the provinces at least a few more months before they converted you to complete narrowmindedness.

Any time you find yourself generalizing about 60 million people might be a good time to look in the mirror and ask yourself how you got this way.

good luck!

garoo, il y a 7 ans :

If anything, moving away from the City of Lights should make me like Bush and his fans better, don't you think?

16 more years!, il y a 7 ans :

narrowmindedness is equally strong and equally dangerous on both left and right

orpheus, il y a 7 ans :

some say "Vote or Die"
sometime i'd like to say "Just die !"

garoo : you waste your time !

garoo, il y a 7 ans :

Orpheus : 25 hours a day :)

Daria, il y a 7 ans :

All candidates have weaknesses. But Bush has nothing else...

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