Underachievement Unlocked

31 may 2009

I’m willing to believe it’s intentional but damn if it doesn’t kill me that they keep pronouncing it “Carketti.”

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Frozen to the Touch, 5 years ago:

It used to bother me too. They could have at least pronounced it Carsetti. Or simply change the character's name when they decided to go with Aidan Gillen.

garoo, 5 years ago:

Oh, yeah, it didn't occur to me that Aidan Gillen could be a weird choice for an Italian descendant. I was too much bothered already by the disconnect with Queer as Folk :)

But I read in a forum that there could be good explanations — either his family had been in the US for so long that they had stopped correcting mispronunciations, or his family's name was originally Carchetti and his family dropped the 'h' so that people would stop pronouncing it as 'tch.' Which is quite credible, and 'Carchetti' makes much more sense as an Italian name.

Although I still can't quite imagine why Americans reading "Carcetti" would ever think to pronounce it "Carketti."

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