Underachievement Unlocked

25 jan. 2009

Does The Office ever become funny again? I’m gonna slit my wrists by the end of season 4.

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NIk, 6 years ago:

You see, that's why we only had two series in the UK - the story was pretty much wrapped up by then.

garoo, 6 years ago:

Probably, yeah. Although it's not really comparable — the US version went for a more realistic universe, and they managed to remain excellent for three seasons, when the UK version was more "The Ricky Gervais Show" (which is okay, but really not the same).

Frozen to the Touch, 6 years ago:

The first couple of episodes with Amy Ryan are enjoyable, mainly because she's a great actress. Other than that, nothing to write home about...

garoo, 6 years ago:

Agreed. And then their sadistic streak came back into full swing.

Albedo, 6 years ago:

Speaking of UK, I miss Spooks... We've seen two seasons here and then it stopped. I could buy the dvds some time.

garoo, 6 years ago:

Bleh. The first season of Spooks was great, but each subsequent season got exponentially worse.

Albedo, 6 years ago:

Dunno. The second was good as well. We've got a glimpse into the 4th (I think) and it was okish. I don't know why they fire every possible cast member as soon as the audience have seen him more than twice though.

garoo, 6 years ago:

I don't know, I always assumed the actors were disgusted with how bad the writing was turning, and left. Wasn't it season two that had TWO fucking episodes where a teen genius almost defeated the entire secret services with his mad computer skills?

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