Underachievement Unlocked

21 jan. 2010

“Why Leslie Harpold’s Sites Disappeared”

[After her death,] Leslie’s family allowed her domains, and others to expire and politely turned down all requests to mirror her sites. Several of her friends, including me, had offered after her death to pay the costs required to keep them online. [….]

Perhaps this is the way it should be. No one has found an email or web page where Leslie stipulated her desires for her work in the event of her death, leaving the decision to her heirs.

Well, for the record, if someone’s stupid enough to want to mirror my sites and/or pay to renew my server(s) after my death, I’m all for it.

It sucks for someone who invested herself into her online work to completely disappear from the web just because her family doesn’t like what she posted.

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