Underachievement Unlocked

17 sep. 2008

Nekophone 2.0

On the one hand, the black version attracts fingerprints like flies; on the other, I think the white version, with a black face (with blackface?), looks weird. So I’m glad I didn’t have a choice.



Migration was more seamless than I expected, but I could have done without waiting an hour while iTunes had to redownload the 2.1 firmware.

Not that I’d complain about finally having the opportunity to unpack a virgin iPhone at home, but I’m surprised the salesman didn’t even offer to transfer the SIM card himself.

I absolutely hate the new screen color balance, but I guess you’re supposed to get used to it quickly. Ah, and I forgot I needed to buy the dock separately.



There’s a time-limited upgrade offer for buyers of the original iPhone, and they ask you to send copies of the receipts of your first iPhone and the new one, along with the signed contract update and your bank account information. All of which those assholes already have on file, obviously.

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rhino75, 6 years ago:

I cracked and bought the same one about two weeks ago. It's a toy but it's a lovely toy. I often find myself just absentmindedly stroking it and purring myself.

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