Underachievement Unlocked

30 may 2008

Lost 4.13–4.14  

I guess that’s why I still watch Lost: despite all the crap they keep pulling, every once in a while they manage to have great moments. I didn’t think I’d care about any of what was gonna happen — none of which was a surprise, except for the Searcher — yet they managed to sell it all so well.

My immediate, and stupid, reaction to the first mention of the deceased’s name was to google it because it had to be a character I’d forgotten from earlier in the show (hence the “stupid,” because what are the chances of that, really?), so I completely spoiled myself on that one, but in the end I don’t think it made the double episode any worse — I hate that kind of artificial suspense anyway.


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Ron, 6 years ago:

Je déteste quand tu écris en Anglais, je trouve ça un peu prétentieux (va savoir pourquoi) et puis je lis la date du jour, en français, et l'ensemble me fait sourire, à chaque fois. C'est ça la France !

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