Underachievement Unlocked

20 may 2008

Dan Simmons, Hyperion  

The writing style put me off immediately — too pretentious and flourished, while descriptions are paradoxically lacking (I still only have a very faint idea of what a freaking tree-ship looks like) and the author has an irritating tendency to delay explanations of his sci-fi concepts and vocabulary for hundreds of pages when adding just a few words in passing would have made the reading so much easier — and it all became clearer when the poet character launched into a diatribe about writing, poetry and all that stuff.

In the beginning was the Word. Then came the fucking word processor. Then came the thought processor. Then came the death of literature. And so it goes.

I don’t care for poetry, I care about story. And the thing is… well, this happens to be a fantastic story (or, rather, collection of full-fledged stories, connected by tightening threads, in a consistent universe). On the other hand, it’s also a story that doesn’t have a fucking end — I was silently shouting “Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!” when I finished reading the last page… but couldn’t resist opening Amazon immediately to order the next volume.

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Got, 6 years ago:

Bizarre, la version française ne m'a pas laissé les mêmes impressions que toi pour les explications qui viennent quelques dizaines de pages plus tard.

Si Endymion et sa suite m'ont moins accroché, Hypérion et La Chute d'Hypérion restent pour moi un des monuments de la SF moderne. Heureusement que j'avais récupéré les quatres tomes d'un coup parce que contrairement à toi, je n'aurais pas eu le courage d'attendre qu'Amazon me livre la suite...

garoo, 6 years ago:

Ca veut dire que j'ai intérêt à commander Endymion dès que je reçois le deuxième, ou ça va, La Chute se termine de façon plus finale ? :)

Xarro, 6 years ago:

I think I heard Dan Simmons is an asshole.

And well, yes: I realize this is only remotely relevant to what you wrote.

garoo, 6 years ago:

Well, I'm already reading a scifi series from another author who's now as famous for his anti-gay-marriage position as for his work, so...

And, well, yeah, it's relevant — the more annoying passages in the book are indeed consistent with the idea that he might be an asshole.

Got, 6 years ago:

Bah, tant qu'à lire Hypérion, autant lire Endymion aussi.
En fait, tu risques effectivement de commander le premier tome dès que tu auras tourné la dernière page de La Chute d'Hypérion mais tu as des chances d'être déçu en enchainant tous les bouquins de la série.
Il vaut peut être mieux commander les Endymions tout de suite mais les lire plus tard, en laissant passer quelques semaines/mois...

Albedo, 6 years ago:

He actually is an homophobic jerk. That being said, the books are worth reading.

garoo, 6 years ago:

Which one is a homophobe?

Albedo, 6 years ago:

Simmons, who else ? :)

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