Underachievement Unlocked

1 apr. 2008

Garoo Network 2.0

Yeah, the Garoo doesn’t know what it wants. A few months ago, I closed all my ancillary blogs, because I thought my postings were too diluted, and I wasn’t writing very regularly and it was such a mess to maintain a dozen blogs at the same time; today, and now that the few readers I had on #FF00AA and Beware The Frog have definitively left the building and nobody cares what I do anymore, I’m reopening all the sites (a good thing I renewed the domains just in case — both out of nostalgia and because unique domain names are becoming the most precious merchandise of the 21st century).

The reason I’m reopening my blog network is that having to publish everything on was paralyzing me: every time a news article or an image captured my attention for ten seconds (which is pretty rare, statistically), I asked myself: “Can that be of interest to people who read” And the answer was always “No,” so I ended up posting a link only one tenth of the time, just so I could tell myself the blog wasn’t completely dead. But, if you replace “” with “#FF00AA” or “Beware The Frog” in the question, the threshold to publication is much, much lower.

Now what’s to say I’m not going to close all the Garoo Network blogs again in two months? Well, nothing. That’s how blogs work, anyway. But I’ve changed the odds: instead of having a database and a set of PHP scripts per blog (only the Regarde tumblelogs shared a code base; I’m not that big at factoring), this time everything’s using the same base as my personal blog — so I get to use the same shortcuts to publish a link or photo in a couple clicks.


If you’ve subscribed to the RSS feed, you’ll get an entry each day summarizing everything I’ve posted on the other blogs, just like I already aggregate all my Twitter entries; if you want to subscribe directly to a specific blog whose topic you’re interested in, just go to the site and click the RSS button. (If there’s no RSS button, then you’re using a prehistoric browser and you should update. But is there anyone using an RSS aggregator yet running IE6?) The old thematic RSS feeds should redirect smoothly to the new addresses.


By the way, what is the Garoo Network?

  • #FF00AA (RSS): technology, a lot of Macintosh, and some web 2.0

More will come later. Or maybe not.

Want to know when I post new content to my blog? It's a simple as registering for free to an RSS aggregator (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) and adding to your feeds (or if you want to subscribe to all my topics). We don't need newsletters, and we don't need Twitter; RSS still exists.

Dr Tidus, 6 years ago:

Hello, pour l'heure les nouveaux posts de #FF00AA se retrouvent intégralement dans le RSS, et (c'est le seul que j'ai testé) le RSS de "Regarde le Mec" est vide :-)

Got, 6 years ago:

Ca fait plaisir de revoir le design de Beware... mais la mise en page est nettement moins sympa que la version originale. Je sais qu'en fusionnant tous tes blogs sur la même base tu perds en possibilités mais j'étais vraiment fan de l'ensemble des graphismes de Beware...
Dans tous les cas, c'est vraiment sympa de revoir le Garoo Network même si les Regarde... m'ont toujours laissé un peu froid. J'espère juste que ce n'est pas uniquement pour la journée.

garoo, 6 years ago:

Tidus : pour FF00AA, euh... ben... nan ? Et pour Regarde Le Mec (heh), c'est le seul qui marchait pas, corrigé.

Got : tout d'accord au sujet de Beware :) mais effectivement c'est un peu inévitable.

Matoo, 6 years ago:

C'est juste tout toi ça. :-)

nthng, 6 years ago:

Pour BewareTheFrog j'aurais préféré que ce soit avec une préférence pour l'Atari Lynx, parce que je connais mieux mais bon c'est cool quand même !

garoo, 6 years ago:

Oh, c'est une bonne idée, ça aurait l'avantage de ne pas être Microsoft.

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