Underachievement Unlocked

9 dec. 2007


Oh, imagine that — a Neil Gaiman story about a gateway to a magical parallel universe. But, even if it’s not very original, and the twists are too predictable, and the ending is a little too easy (you’d better have an insanely clever reply if one of your characters is going to end up asking “Why didn’t you do that earlier?”), and the director was rather uninspired… a Gaiman story still makes for a very sweet movie.

I think I preferred ‘Mother.’

Did Claire Danes butcher her poor eyebrows by herself, or was it for the movie?


P.S. Disclaimer: I watched this movie at 10am. (For some reason I couldn’t sleep anymore.)

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Pyram, 6 years ago:

J'ai adoré ce film, moi aussi - c'est rare de trouver une adaptation filmique égale au roman (voire meilleure dans le cas présent, mais c'est une opinion).

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