Underachievement Unlocked

26 sep. 2007

My Twitter posts are now aggregated in my Frankenstein monster of a main feed — and the world rejoiced.

I know that people who already follow me on Twitter will get the contents twice that way, but I recently figured that, even if all bloggers did the same, it would still only be one extra post a day per blog — whatever RSS reader you’re using, that’s quickly skipped. Some bloggers I follow do it, and once I got past my knee-jerk reaction I didn’t have a problem with it at all — plus, Twitter’s servers still have have trouble, and I’ve often discovered tweets in blog feeds that hadn’t appeared in Twitterific. So, now, you’re not missing anything I post anywhere at all. No word ever written by Garoo shall be lost! (Seriously, if you subscribe to this feed, you’ve got some kind of interest in what I say and think; as it happens, 99% of my most profound thoughts are now posted on Twitter. Either I can make it fit in 150 characters, or it would take several paragraphs and I won’t be bothered to write them.)

However, that doesn’t apply to bloggers using Twitterfeed to notify all their Twitter followers every time they’ve posted on their blog: that’s just stupid and, if you’re doing it, I’ll never ever follow you on Twitter. If I want to be notified when you post to your blog, I’ll subscribe to your RSS feed, thanks very much; at the very least, if you want to use Twitterfeed, create a separate account like I did so that readers have a choice of following it or not — just don’t mix blog reposts and original content that can’t be found anywhere else.

(I know I’ve already written that over and over, but apparently it bears repeating.)


P.S. Sorry for the 40 posts that may appear as new, I’ve been cleaning up my RSS feeds a bit. No need to specify “Posted by Garoo” since I’m alone everywhere, even in my group blogs.

Want to know when I post new content to my blog? It's a simple as registering for free to an RSS aggregator (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) and adding to your feeds (or if you want to subscribe to all my topics). We don't need newsletters, and we don't need Twitter; RSS still exists.

Cel, 6 years ago:

Mais euh non mais moi c'est parce que j'ai (toujours) pas le wifi !

Mr Peer, 6 years ago:

Un peu "too much" selon moi.
Pas particulièrement par rapport à twitter. Mais je pense que certains flux comme regarde* créent un peu trop de "bruits".

garoo, 6 years ago:

Ouais, mais y'a rien sur qui soit pas du bruit, de nos jours :)

pwyf, 6 years ago:

J'ai dû tricher pour trouver le lien de ton feed. Je suis débile ou il n'est pas visible sur la page d'accueil ?

garoo, 6 years ago:

Euh... Safari, Firefox et même IE7 auto-détectent les feeds et affichent un joli bouton pour prévenir :)

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