Underachievement Unlocked

14 jul. 2007

A third season for Dead Like Me? [via]

Ellen Muth, in her MySpace blog:

I have been informed that after this [direct-to-DVD] “Dead Like Me” movie comes out, it may, go back to series. After seeing the movie, you’ll have to be the judge of whether or not you like the new concept. Give it a chance. I know we all hate change but it has been two years since season 2 so there has to be evolution.


Also, from her MySpace self-portrait:

I was honored a full scholarship to the Lee Strasberg School by Marlo Thomas, I attended the Skip Barber School of racing in Limerock, I never received any trophies in school but have been given over 9 award in the entertainment industry including the AFI “Best Actress” award for “The Young Girl an the Monsoon.” I am a member of Mensa and Intertel, I have 6 cats, 1 munchkin (dwarf cat), 3 Burmese, 1 Siamese, and one domestic. I swear I’m already known as an old cat lady.

Attending Skip Barber School: awesome. Mentioning in your MySpace profile that you’re a member of Mensa and Intertel: I don’t know, it just sounds weird, but I have no idea what the cool kids write in their profile pages, so maybe that’s how you’re supposed to do it.


P.S. The Wikipedia page for Dead Like Me is chock full of spoilers, and I’m disappointed they had to cast a new actress as Daisy, Daisy Adair. I really don’t see what’s the point of keeping the character then.

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Got, 6 years ago:

Cette série est une merveille mais est-ce vraiment une bonne idée de faire une troisième saison? La première était un vrai bijou et la seconde à peine moins bien. Je ne suis par contre pas certain que la magie fonctionne encore une troisième fois sans que les scénaristes en fassent trop.

Daria, 6 years ago:

OMG, Ellen a un MySpace!

CitizenM, 6 years ago:

Un peu de l'avis de Got. Mais je préfère attendre de voir le résultat, à quoi ça sert de se miner pour rien ;)

La belle Laura Harris est allée faire un tour chez dans The Dead Zone après DLM, mais je n'ai pas suivi ce qu'elle a fait. Toujours est-il que mmmmmm, Daisy, Daisy Adair comme tu le rappelles si bien :D

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