Underachievement Unlocked

19 feb. 2007

Battlestar Galactica 3.01–3.04  

Here’s another instance of my rating scale not going high enough to express how good this show is. There must be something about spaceships burning their way into the atmosphere — the Serenity vs. Reavers scene in atmo had hypnotized me (despite its dumbass “let’s turn one of our engines around!” resolution), and now for some reason I just want to kiss whichever writer thought of launching Vipers in mid-air.


I’m a bit confused about female Cylons, though, and I’m beginning to think I’m not the only one. First there were two Sharons both having memories of serving on Galactica, even though Helo’s Sharon was born before the other died. Now we’ve got too many Sixes: Gaius is evidently with Caprica Six now, but the season 2 finale made me think it was Pegasus Six when she made some apologetic face at the mention of the nuke’s signature. Although Pegasus Six should be completely dead, since the Resurrection Ship was destroyed.

Ah, and while I’m in spoiler space, it obviously makes no real-world sense to sacrifice the Pegasus, which is more modern and feels more powerful than the Galactica, and it’s funny that Admiral Adama hadn’t began his own kamikaze maneuvers before his son showed up. But then the show isn’t called Battlestar Whatever Adama’s Commanding At The Moment.


In closing, insert obligatory OMG Apollo WTF!!!!1! Poor guy. His career is so over.

Seriously, it’s a great, bold move for a season premiere (or finale for that matter, but I’d somehow not noticed then). But it’s also terribly detracting. I couldn’t focus on the story at all while he was on screen. I mean, much, much worse than when he made you want to scream “hottiiie” at the top of your lungs.

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NeimaD., 6 years ago:

pendant toute la saison 1 je n'ai pas arrêté de me dire que ce gars était gay... il est encore plus sexy quand il ne joue pas (mal) :)

garoo, 6 years ago:

Hehe. Il est marié et père de famille (je sais, ça n'empêche pas), mais c'est vrai que ça lui va bien de laisser libre cours à son accent anglais :o)

NeimaD., 6 years ago:

y'a pas plus bandant que l'accent anglais :)

garoo, 6 years ago:

Je suis pas un fétichiste de l'accent anglais, pour moi c'est surtout le fait que quand il essaie de le cacher il doit sonner moins naturel forcément :)

NeimaD., 6 years ago:

hum... je crois juste que c'est un acteur moyen, Hugh Laurie y arrive brillamment lui (entre autres) ;)

Pheel, 6 years ago:

Well there's some kind of narcissism in your attraction to him ^^

garoo, 6 years ago:

Well, it's more like I'm attracted to him despite his face.

Pheel, 6 years ago:

Yet another reason why you should join us at the gym

NeimaD., 6 years ago:

vous faites des sorties de groupe ? J'aurai bien besoin de motivation moi...

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