Underachievement Unlocked

5 feb. 2007

It’s Good To Be Home!

Funny how I always get that sequence in my head whenever I get out of the train and into the subway.

Anyway, I now know why I bought a MacBook: if I hadn’t already fulfilled my quota of futile expenses for the whole quarter, I’d have come back from Smallville driving my parents’ still unsold car.

I have no doubt that I’m much better in Paris with a MacBook than a car, and a large one at that. Besides, even having it fail after three days is a good thing, statistically: this is the fourth Mac I buy (not counting the old second-hand clamshell), and I was bound to have a lemon sooner or later, and I’m glad the first serious, incapacitating, return-to-sender failure I get is on the most dispensible of them all.

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Pheel, 6 years ago:

Joyeux anniversaire.^^

TacTac, 6 years ago:

Heu... Bon anniversaire ?

garoo, 6 years ago:

Non, mais merci :)

garoo, 6 years ago:

Ah ben, si, en plus. Merde, on est déjà aujourd'hui :)

TacTac, 6 years ago:

Bon bah bon anniversaire alors.
(Quel dialogue !)

Jon Moore, 6 years ago:

Make sure to make good use of the apple sticker you get in the macbook box.. they say it increases a used car's value by 5% if it was owned by a mac user...

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