Underachievement Unlocked

14 dec. 2006

Because I enjoy wasting my time programming gadgets for my various blogs (which isn’t getting any better as the number thereof increases) when I should be working instead on something more productive that might pay all the Apple hardware I want to own, and because I heard some complaints that I might not be posting enough, you can now see on the top of my homepage a list of stuff I watched on TV and web pages I viewed, so you can know by the minute what I’m up to, even when it isn’t work a post in my regular blog. If I could be bothered, you’d get a list of what I’m eating too (or maybe I just don’t want to confront all the stuff I ingest throughout a single day no matter how hard I wish I were skinny.)

If you click the “#” or subscribe to the feed, you may get an additional sentence or two (once again, that’s the kind of sentences that don’t deserve a full post on my regular blog), or maybe not, and there’s no way of telling right now before you click, but someday there will, as I did on the beware the frog sidebar.

Want to know when I post new content to my blog? It's a simple as registering for free to an RSS aggregator (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) and adding to your feeds (or if you want to subscribe to all my topics). We don't need newsletters, and we don't need Twitter; RSS still exists.

Michael, 6 years ago:

oh et il vient de moi le lien de la vidéo ?

garoo, 6 years ago:

Euh, oui, non ? :)

seb cha, 6 years ago:

Mon dieu donc que c'est laid le mot 'maigre'. Et dire qu'on cours tous après un blog bien rempli, un corps évidé et une vie rassasiée...

Je retourne de suite à monoprix, le dernier endroit qui ouvre tard et est craquer de célibataires modernes à la recherche de repas en portion une à deux personnes...

hugolin, 6 years ago:

Ca fait une erreur 404 sous Firefox.
Non c'est bon je déconne.

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