Underachievement Unlocked

28 may 2006

Lost 2.23–2.24  

As usual, episode ratings are relative to the overall show’s quality and indicate how enjoyable they are rather than how good — in other words, this show is still crap, but that was a pretty good season finale, considering.


Remember a few weeks back when two women died on Alias and the same happened on Lost on the same night? Now the season finales leave the two shows’ most enjoyable male characters respectively dead (well, one undead) in an blown-up underground tomb, and presumably dead in a blown-up bunker. (Of course, the Lost episodes weren’t as poorly written as the Alias ones.) I think they’re trying to tell us something. It’s all real. Can’t be coincidences.


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Xarro, 7 years ago:

Ca serait le cas si "in" était deux sons plutôt qu'un digraphe marquant un seul phonème (en l'occurrence un son nasalisé). Le tréma indique que le mot ne se dit "coin-cidence".

Xarro, 7 years ago:

+pas (bordel, en général ce sont les "ne" que je n'écris pas...)

thj, 7 years ago:


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