Underachievement Unlocked

19 mar. 2006

Veronica Mars 1.01–1.10  

I’m not sure what to think about this show yet. It’s clever, witty (I can see where Joss Whedon’s endorsement is coming from), the acting/directing is excellent (even the bikers’ gang leader with a good heart manages to be somewhat credible, which is a feat; as for the father, it’s harder seeing him after I watched Galaxy Quest again a month ago), the story’s interesting… but the flip side is some inexplicable patches of sloppy writing that I can’t detail without a big spoiler warning. So, here goes, in roughly chronological order:


The pilot is terribly awkward — by the time Veronica’s mother abandoner her I had burst into laughter. Caliméro much? I understand the need for exposition, but they really, really, really should have saved some of those flashbacks for later episodes, limiting themselves to mentioning events in the voiceover (or maybe it’d have worked better if I hadn’t heard about the roofie sequence beforehand? no, in any case it was just too much at once).

Speaking of which, I’m very, very afraid that we might eventually find out she wasn’t really raped and someone only removed her panties as an unsavory prank. I mean, waking up with her dress on and not particularly crumpled? And I realize they could hardly stain the dress with her virginity blood, but wouldn’t they have made her wear something else than a white dress in order to avoid the doubt?

Oh, and why am I afraid of such a surprise ending? Well, because it’d cheapen the whole thing. Starting the show off with a rape victim is daring enough (despite the laughable, heavy exposition); turning it into a red herring would be in bad taste.

Most of the characters are, if not unidimensional, terribly cliché. The second episode’s West Side Story aspect, in particular, is a bit… uh, I don’t know, not my thing. But, who knows, maybe that’s the reality of California.

Some of the investigations are terribly rushed — clearly, they’re not the writers’ focus, but that’s no excuse. Did I miss something or Veronica and Lilly got themselves fake identity cards in their real name? And how does having Lilly’s fake ID (in Lilly’s real name) allow Veronica to impersonate her? (Actually, maybe they made fake IDs in each other’s names. But it’s still stupid.) And, in the following episode, how can she trace a John Smith who’s been a Julia for seven years? (I won’t even touch the magic PI-only website. That’s just so commonplace in TV and movies.)

I hate shows that artificially dilutes mystery and finds the most preposterous excuses to delay revelations, and it looks like there’s going to be plenty of that. Oh, that’s too bad, Veronica finds where her mother was staying, only a couple weeks too late. That’s so Pretender (or any other mystery show that I hate). And I just can’t believe they dared make her shred the paternity test results. She’s a PI, she’s a journalist, a few days ago she was throwing up to the thought of having possibly dated her half-brother, and she destroys the results and it’s all completely forgotten in the next episode? Come on, that’s pathetic!

And, finally, I’m a bit puzzled by the way they introduced respective love interests for Veronica and Wallace out of nowhere in the second and fourth episodes. To me, that just screams of “Don’t worry! White heroine not gonna date Black comic relief! Ever!” but maybe I’m being paranoid. Doesn’t Wallace actually become more of a cliché token Black guy between episodes one and two?


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Diabolito, 7 years ago:

Je fais attention à ne pas te spoiler, ne t'inquiète pas. ;)

J'ai vu toute la saison 1 et je suis la 2 en direct des USA, et je peux te dire que j'ai été longtemps très sceptique sur cette série. Certes, je n'analyse pas tout en détail comme toi mais je ne supportais pas tous ces clichés et ces personnages qui au départ semblaient trop peu esquissés (et puis, les pauvres d'un côté, les riches de l'autre... mouais). J'ai commencé à vraiment aimer à la moitié de la saison (donc bientôt où tu en es).

L'intérêt de la série réside dans les personnages auxquels on s'attache vachement (surtout elle, évidemment, avec ses répliques cinglantes à la Buffy !) Mais ce qui est fascinant, c'est à quel point tout se recoupe. On sent que du premier au dernier épisode, ils ont bien distillé toutes les révélations et que tout était prévu comme ça depuis toujours. Ce n'est pas une écriture au jour le jour où les scénaristes ne savent pas où ils vont comme dans 'Lost'... Et c'est vraiment agréable !

Voilà, je pense que tu devrais préférer la suite. :) Enfin j'espère, parce que t'es encore plus difficile que moi. :p

NeimaD., 7 years ago:

Les personnages et les situations sont un peut clichées mais comme dans toute série ado finalement ! (genre buffy)

Et surtout tu as toutes les réponses en fin de saison 1, ce qui est plutôt rare...

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