Underachievement Unlocked

8 mar. 2006

Lost 2.15 (Maternity Leave)  

The episodes where they get hysteric bore me. But then, they’re been stranded on an island for two months, so it’s a bit inevitable.


Not to mention that it allows the screenwriters to get away with any incoherence they like, such as Claire leaving her baby in strange hands to go bunker-hunting through the jungle (well, that’s not so incoherent — her bond to the baby is as strong as Rousseau’s will to live), or Kate leaving Claire alone with a European psycho while she looks through the cupboards.

However, the implications as to the Others’ nature are interesting — much more so than when they were just savages, two eps ago.


— Why should I do that?

— Because you wish to keep this a secret.

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Diabolito, 7 years ago:

"pour aller fouiller des les placards."

--> Je pense que tu as voulu dire DANS les placards.

Et sur le sujet, j'ai tout de même trouvé cet épisode bien plus intéressant que tous ceux de la saison, justement à propos des autres. M'enfin, ça reste 'Lost', donc ça reste con.

garoo, 7 years ago:

Rha, je vais finir par ne plus poster qu'en anglais.

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