Underachievement Unlocked

7 mar. 2006

Since noise levels had gone relatively down in the last few days, I’d assumed the neighbors had split, but judging by the “conversation” that woke me up at 8am I was quite wrong. From what I heard through the walls and my ending sleep, they’ve been together for a year and a half, so even though she’s at at point where she yells “I hate you! I hate you!” it’s going to take a bit more time before she actually leaves. Oh, and what do I know about eighteen-month relationships anyway? Maybe they’ll spend the next fifty years together. Yelling at each other. Too bad for the neighbors.

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K, 7 years ago:

Un an ou un mois ?

Fielin, 7 years ago:

Oui, voilà, exactement la même question.

garoo, 7 years ago:

Argh. Ca me réussit pas de bosser.

zorn, 7 years ago:

Durée de vie d'un couple moderne: de 3 à 5 ans! Ca laisse encore quelques bonnes matinées!

ludo, 7 years ago:

c'est quoi ce taf garoo ?

garoo, 7 years ago:

Bah, un contrat. Bientôt fini j'espère.

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