Underachievement Unlocked

12 feb. 2006

Boing Boing:

Video gamers may have the same mental agility as bilingual people – an ability to swap out one task and bring another online quickly, which is useful in multitasking and is linked to lifelong mental acuity. A study at Toronto’s York University showed that gamers performed like bilinguals in hard mental tests, and that bilingual gamers were even better.

I’m not much of a gamer (although I’d think it would apply to power users in a more general way) but I’m quite happy finding out that I’m more intelligent than average (which is nothing new) and, more importantly, that my brain will age better than yours!

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Xarro, 7 years ago:

I'm a gamer and I was able to write this sentence. I must be bloody smart. :D

Fielin, 7 years ago:

Same comment as Xarro. :)
I'll age wonderfully well.

rhino75, 7 years ago:

Finally, some good news! Enfin, une bonne nouvelle! (am I looking younger yet?)

garoo, 7 years ago:

Y'a trop de bilingues par ici, c'est pas drôle :)

Xarro, 7 years ago:

C'est un peu l'Internet aussi. Question de survie, j'imagine.

telline, 7 years ago:

"Fonctionner en multitâche" ?
Ya pas besoin d'être un gamer ! il suffit d'être une femme !
Donc la démonstration vaut aussi pour les femmes bilingues... Si en plus elles sont gameuses, j'vous raconte pas !! ;-)

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