Underachievement Unlocked

24 jan. 2006

I’m braving the polar temperatures (my kunckles are bleeding) and viruses (what kind of internet café has vulnerable computers?) to keep you posted: no, I still haven’t got the net. Either there’s a subtlety I missed in the router’s setup (which is quite possible considering the number of subtleties there), or it’s just impossible, or the line isn’t quite open yet. Either way, I’m screwed. Damnit.

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Brenig, 7 years ago:

modems compatibles en dégroupé Free


encapsulation : 1483 routé VCMUX
Vpi : 8 / Vci : 36

ca aide ?

cybergaroo, 7 years ago:

Pas particulièrement, mais merci :)

rhino75, 7 years ago:

I notice that you've taken off that bit on the sidebar that tells us when was the last time you had a shag. I think this is a good idea (a bit TMI, after all) but was it because you were afraid of appearing slutty? Or the opposite?

garoo, 7 years ago:

Because it was a bit TMI, and because I wasn't single anymore.

rhino75, 7 years ago:

Both EXCELLENT reasons :))

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